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Vegan Dog Birthday Cake

Published February 08, 2023
Vegan Dog Birthday Cake
Vegan Dog Birthday Cake

I'm going to show you how to make a birthday cake for your dog.

A cupcake? What's more, if it's a cupcake. A birthday cake for your dogs paw-ty We don't know when their actual birthday is, but we just used the anniversary of their adoption. So they are three this year. Roughly, according to the adoption agency. So this is a vegan, gluten-free, carrot and pumpkin cake. Because your dog, just like our dogs, deserves the best. This dog's birthday cake is a pumpkin and carrot cake. Dogs have a hard time digesting wheat. Once in a while, it's okay, but I was a bit concerned about the other dogs there and I didn't know what everybody's dietary dog restrictions were.



How do I say that in a way that doesn't sound like we're eating the dogs?

  Dog's dietary restrictions. So, I opted for oat flour and brown rice flour, so it's completely gluten-free and easy to digest on their tummy. And high in protein as well. The first step to our dog cake is mixing all of the dry ingredients. So, I'm using one cup of oat flour, one cup of brown rice flour, one and a half teaspoons of baking soda, one tablespoon of baking powder, and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. You're gonna mix that all together and set the bowl aside. In a stand mixer or a large bowl, we're now going to add all of our wet ingredients. I will add two tablespoons of flax seed mixed with six tablespoons of water. And I just let that sit on the counter for about five minutes. And then we are going to add two tablespoons of either agave or maple syrup. I like to use natural sugar here, we don't want a bunch of sugar in a cake for a dog. The maple syrup or agave along with the sweetness of the carrot and the pumpkin is enough sweetness for a dog. They're not looking for a human-style cupcake. Along with two-thirds of a cup of shredded or grated carrot, which is about one carrot. And half a cup of pumpkin puree, half a cup of apple sauce, and half a cup of peanut butter. Now we're gonna add half a cup of
 almond milk.


6 Sådant Som dina djur aldrig får äta

Dog-Friendly Birthday Cake Recipe

Now that we have our wet and our dry ingredients, we are slowly going to add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix them along the way until it's smooth. I've decided to make this a smaller cake, so I'm using a six-inch cake pan. I'm going to grease that with some vegan butter or coconut oil, it's really up to you. And then, we are going to line it with some parchment paper. The easiest way I found to line cake tins with parchment paper is just to use the bottom of your spring form pan and just use a Sharpie or a pen and just outline it. That way you can just cut it out and pop it in the bottom of your pan. And we're gonna do the same thing with the side of the cake pan. Again, just take the cake pan, measure the parchment around it, cut it to size, and just fit it into the pan. Now we're going to take our batter and scoop it into the pan and put it into the oven at 350 for 60 to 80 minutes. Start checking it at 60 minutes with a toothpick or chopsticks if you have that. And if it comes out clean, take it out of the oven. If it doesn't, just keep it in and monitor it at 10-minute intervals until the toothpick comes out clean. We're doing this slowly and steadily.   


And we'll mix that all together.

because it is a gluten-free cake, they tend to crumble and fall apart. But it's for your dog, so they don't care about the texture, do they? Unless you have a high-end picky dog. Then, I can't help you. Alright, while the cake is cooking, we are going to whip up a coconut yogurt and peanut butter frosting. In the bowl of your stand mixer or just a large bowl with a hand beater, we are going to mix one cup of coconut yogurt, and half a cup of peanut butter. Again, I use natural, unsweetened peanut butter, my dogs love it. As well as a quarter cup of corn starch, and this is what's going to make it look like icing and kind of keep it firm and keep it in place. Usually, when you make a human cake you use icing sugar for this, but again, we don't want the dogs eating sugar, so we're going to use corn starch instead. Now just beat that together until it's soft and creamy and stick it into your fridge until you're ready to ice the cake. Then take the cake out of the oven and let it sit in the pan for 15 minutes. You can let it just cool in the pan if you want, or after 10 to 15 minutes you can just take the spring form off the side of the pan and just let it sit on a cooling rack until it's completely cooled. When your cake is completely cooled, we can frost it. Now, you can do this one of two ways. You can just take the cake as it is and frost the entire outside of the cake, or you can get super fancy and cut it in half and then frost the inside.


Now you can just serve the cake as it is.

  I've decided to put some treats in the center at the top and some candles to celebrate their third birthday, yay. But you can decorate it with anything that's dog friendly. I mean, if you're as terrible at decorating with icing as I am, you can just line it with, I don't know like milk bones or whatever treats you're giving your dogs. I found that just the simpler the better. They're a dog at the end of the day, they're going to eat it whether it's pretty or whether it's ugly, who cares? Alright, there you have it, a birthday cake fit for your dog. Let's see if they like it. I think these guys had so much fun at their birthday party. I think they loved their birthday cake, and I know that your dog's going to love it as well. What did you think, hmm? He never really has much to say. If you don't know that James and I are nuts and take things too far regularly, now you know. 'Cause this extravagant birthday party for our dogs, I guess it's the first and last time I'm going to do that. We got some pretty funny looks from our friends about how over-the-top it was. Alright, guys, I wanna know what kind of crazy stuff you do for your dog. Have you thrown your dog a birthday party? Do you buy crazy outfits on Halloween? Do you buy crazy outfits just regularly? I really wanna, you know, make sure that I'm not the only crazy dog person out there. If you like this article and want more dog recipes.            


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