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Behaviors that dogs hate

Published February 08, 2023
Behaviors that dogs hate
Behaviors that dogs hate

When we raise dogs, they may perform certain behaviors That annoy us and make us uncomfortable But at the same time, the owner may do behaviors that disturb his dog

Let me tell you about things that dogs hate and humans do

Especially their owner's Dogs It's normal when someone tries to touch our face, we get upset and put our head back Also, dogs do not accept everyone touching their face If you are their owner, he may accept that from you with some distress If you are his owner, he may accept that from you with some distress Boredom The dog hates having nothing to do When you are busy He will occupy himself by playing with furniture and so on If the dog does these things know that he has reached the maximum level of boredom Don't neglect him Make time for activities and play with him For humans, eye contact is essential As for dogs, it causes them stress So when you see a group of dogs or even one dog If you approach them Try not to look them eye to eye Because this thing might cause him anxiety You may give him a reason to attack you Approach him with a calm tone Without looking at him eye to eye And don't even point to him like that, as if you're threatening him Okay?  


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Tighten the leash

Dogs can know your stress level through a leash If it is loose, he will know that there is no cause for concern and that you are calm In contrast, if it is tight, it will make your dog feel that you are tense and nervous He will also become tense and alert It is best to practice the correct grip of the leash When we go out with our dogs Whether it's a quick walk or a long walk We don't give them a chance to explore How so? They see life with their noses rather than their eyes They love sniffing Give your dog a chance to explore He needs this thing Do not deprive him of this pleasure Hugging for a person is a sign of friendship and closeness But for dogs, it's an attempt to establish dominance Some dogs accept hugs with open arms While others will feel irritated and stressed He hates it When a dog tries to control another dog He places his paws on the other dog's back as a form of domination How do you know this about the dog? You will see that he is leaning his head back and looks irritated He turns his ears back and licks his lips So avoid hugging him

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