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Cut a dog's nails the right way

Published February 08, 2023
Cut a dog's nails the right way

Cut a dog's nails the right way

This time let's learn how to clip dog's nails I will teach you the correct way Say Meow!! [Meowing] Meooooow Dr. Hashim, is it necessary to cut cat's and dog's nails? Of course, it is necessary, and I personally advise you to try it It will strengthen your relationship with your pet This thing is very good ِAnd comfortable for his mental health When the dog's nails grow long and touch the ground, he will feel pain Especially when he is walking That is why it is necessary to cut their nails In addition, if he feels pain, his sitting position will be uncomfortable He will always lift his feet off the ground Do I sit like this or that? This may cause a spinal injury Long nails will cause him injuries when walking And it might cause him to limp He will walk like this


How I Trim My Dogs' Nails and WHY You Should Do It this Way

Poor thing!!! He will surely decrease his activity If you see nails touching the ground and leaning And the dog is not comfortable sitting And you heard [Tik]!! while he is walking The sound of nails hitting the ground It's time to cut his nails ِAn advice from me if you are a beginner Trim your dog's nails once every two weeks Every time they grow a little, cut them So that you get used to doing this with your pets You must have a clipper dedicated to clipping dog nails, right, Diablo? My Lovely Diablo Use lighting if the nails are dark To see clearly the correct place to cut Some dogs have transparent nails Or light-colored and this helps you see the blood supply easily Whereas it will be difficult to see in dark nails That's why I told you to use flashlight The flashlight will illuminate the nail so you can see it more clearly We'll cut your nails, but we'll give you safety and pampering Salam Alaik um Alaikum Alsalam Salam Alaikum Alaikum Alsalam Choose the appropriate time in which he is comfortable Not when he's anxious or stressed Or right after a picnic where he is tired And the most important thing that he is not sick, and looks comfortable like Diablo Then it is an appropriate time to cut his nails Word of advising If it is your first time cutting his nails and you are afraid to Cut the first nail correctly, I will applaud you At another time cut the second, I will applaud you again The third nail... BOOM !!!


How I Trim My Dogs' Nails and WHY You Should Do It this Way

I will tell you " You are the coolest, you became professional " I will teach you how vets cut dogs' nails You don't have to imitate them, but it's safer Hold his hand like this, Okay? Hold it in such a way that the dog does not turn his head to you or bite you Perfect Sit like this to protect your arm This is safer for you Whether he is sitting on a table or the floor The most important thing is that you are comfortable and not stressed or anxious Because he will feel the same On the other hand if you are confident, he will know that you are perfectly capable of cutting his nails And he will trust you Gradually, his stress will ease Hold him Like this and lift his hand like that In the event that cutting the dog’s nails is difficult for you, you can use the help of a friend The most important thing is that your friend loves animals and is able to help Clip the nails directly near the blood supply area, just leave small space The cutting should be parallel to the ground and not perpendicular to it Say Bismillah and cut Okay? If you find that the nail is hard And you are afraid to injure or cause him pain whilst cutting the nail What should you do? It would be a good idea to use a moisturizing conditioner Every time you cut a nail, give your dog a treat he loves Especially if it's the first time Some dogs are pampered Give them treats only after you finished the whole process So that he does not covet more treats Too many treats can raise your dog's blood sugar Now we will leave this task to Omar who is an expert in cutting pets nails Watch him while I tend to a case in the clinic I'll check how it is and what's wrong with it What is it suffering from and give it the appropriate treatment GO OMAR!!!


How To Cut Dog Nails Without Stress


How often do we cut their nails? Every month? Every 15 days? How often doctor? Every year? No of course, not every year It depends on genetic factors, whether the nails in his family grow fast or slow In some breeds, nails grow faster and nails are larger Nutrition habits, does he eat nutrients that help speed nail growth? How active your dog is, the more active your dog is, the faster his nails should be trimmed The place that the dog normally walks in Is fine sand, weeds, carpet, or hard ground؟ In case bleeding occurs, do not be afraid What should you do? You have to act directly All you have to do is press firmly on the bleeding site using cotton You can also use an anti-bleeding powder sold in veterinary pharmacies If the bleeding lasts more than thirty minutes Woe to you if you don't take him to the vet Woe to you and the darkest nights But you are a hero because you tried to do it yourself My advice to you is to cut their nails once a month Every month, CHAMP!! Let's see you try, if you try this, DM me on Instagram I would be glad to know about your experiences with clipping your dog's nails If the nails are touching the ground like this, they must be cut as soon as possible Cutting horizontally gives the right shape to the nail Cutting in the area of the nerves leads to bleeding Cutting vertically leads to the formation of a double-edged nail The right length of nails



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